• MY FIRST Teddy Bear w/Blue Sweater - hi sunshine I'm on my computer I'm on my computer yeah I'm doing my teddy bear I'm closing down the shopNOT AVAILABLE

    Message Teddy Bear co

  • $ 44.95

  • Description

    MY FIRST Teddy Bear*    The perfect baby gift for every baby boy. Each lovable, huggable 15" teddy bear wears a unique personalized sweater to celebrate every newborn baby boy in the world. Your sweater, happily made in USA, is made one at-a-time; includes baby's name and birth details personalized and knit-in. You will be remembered always as MY FIRST Teddy Bear is a unique baby gift that is kept forever!

    *Also Known As "Birth Bear" previously found on NYCMB.com.

    MY FIRST Teddy Bear Sweater:

    Baby boy's first & second name knit-in the front, date of birth, weight & length personalized in back of this best baby gift. The unique sweater is knit with baby blue machine washable cashmere like acrylic yarn with royal blue and white accents. Every newborn sweater is happily knit in USA makes a perfect baby gift when dressed on our teddy bear.

    Enhance MY FIRST Teddy Bear: Include a Lovely Display Stand


    FRONT of Sweater:
    LINE 1:  First Name (11 characters max)
    LINE 2:  Middle or Last Name  (11 characters max)

    BACK of Sweater:
    LINE 1:  Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
    LINE 2:  Weight (00 lbs * 00.0 oz)
    LINE 3:  Length (00.00 inches)

    OR Date of Birth ONLY
    LINE 1: Month (ex. MAY)
    LINE 2:  Day (ex. 3rd)
    LINE 3: Year (ex 2014)

    Please review all entered information for correct spelling and details. We knit from what is entered.

    Any questions ordering-  call toll free 718.634.7611.
MY FIRST Teddy Bear w/Blue Sweater - hi sunshine I'm on my computer I'm on my computer yeah I'm doing my teddy bear I'm closing down the shopNOT AVAILABLE

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